Page 328 - Demo
P. 328
TESTING EQUIPMENT328 Visit todayPrices are correct at the time of printing. Errors & omissions excepted.CLAMP METERS%u2022 This unit has many new features, including a non contact voltage detector%u2022 It also features AC/DC Voltage, AC Current, Resistance, Continuity Buzzer, MaxHold, Data Hold, Diode Test, Auto Power Off, Jaw work light and display light%u2022 This is an ideal instrument for the everyday electrician /maintenance person%u2022 This is is a 600A AC/DC clamp meter which is supplied with a host of features, for the everyday electrician or maintenance electrician%u2022 Includes AC/DC current, frequency, capacitance, resistance, duty cycle, temperature -20%u00b0c to 1000%u00b0c, complete with thermocouple%u2022 Other features include max/min hold, autopower off, auto ranging, continuity buzzer, data hold, work light, back light and non a contact voltage testDescription Code Price600A AC Clamp Meter 3LCM600AC %u00a374.49Description Code Price600A AC/DC Clamp Meter 3LCM600ACDC %u00a3121.90EARTH LEAKAGE CLAMP METER%u2022 AC Current %u2022 2mA, Resolution 0.001mA %u00b1(2.0%+5d)%u2022 20mA, Resoultion 0.01mA %u00b1(2.0%+5d)%u2022 60A %u00b1(2.0%+5d)%u2022 Frequency 50 to 60Hz >50A %u00b1(3%+5d)%u2022 Max Permitted Input 120% for full range for 60 seconds%u2022 Conforms to the 18th Edition regulation 531.2.2%u2022 Earth Leakage 0.001mA%u2022 AC Current%u2022 Frequency 50/60Hz%u2022 Data Hold%u2022 Low Battery Warning%u2022 LCD Display 1999 Count%u2022 Compact DesignDescription Code PriceEarth Leakage Clamp Meter 3LELCM %u00a3124.59CO2 MONITOR%u2022 CO2 Range : 400 - 5000ppm %u2022 Temperature : -10.0%u00b0C - 50.0%u00b0C%u2022 Humidity : 0 -99%RH %u2022 Hold = Data Hold %u2022 Max = Maxiumum Value %u2022 Min = Minimum Value %u2022 Avg = Average Value %u2022 Twa = Time Weighted Average %u2022 Stel = Short Term Exposure Limit %u2022 Sensor - NDIR %u2022 Audio & Visual Alarm %u2022 Low Battery Warning %u2022 LCD Screen %u2022 Backlight %u2022 Protective Case Supplied %u2022 User Manual %u2022 USB Cable for recharging %u2022 Rechargeable Battery SuppliedDescription Code PriceDigital CO2 Monitor 3LCO2M %u00a3155.743.ssentials Test.LINECLAMP METERS & CO2 MONITOR